Corona Crewing attracts and retains best in class staff, seafarers and offshore personnel. It has been proven that best business results our clients report are based on having the right people in the right spots. Corona Crewing selects people who naturally align to our company values and philosophy. The thorough selection decisions are based on proven professionalism and efficiency seconded by honesty and intelligence. Recruitment decisions are the beginning of a most rewarding relationship Corona Crewing develops both with the candidates and clients.
Outstanding professionals team up with Corona Crewing to take advantage of the opportunity the company provides to prove their work market value. Corona Crewing nurtures quality in the business relationships it develops and is determined to identify, assess, recruit, train and coach best professionals, and presents to the clients only the appropriate candidates matching the requirements of each position to be filled in. The long term relations both with the staff and client companies is based on the outstanding services Corona Crewing provides.
Trust is a constant feature of Corona Crewing communication process, as depicted in agency’s best practices guidelines: the company concludes all its commercial agreements in such a manner that any misunderstanding is avoided and all details in respect of scope, time and costs, assignments such as coaching, human resources audit, search, and training are included.
Transparency is Corona Crewing operational signature as it helps both candidates and clients to better understand all processes with best possible business results.